Mission Statement

We work in poor and homeless communities where health care disparities occur. We partner with agencies and health care systems to address and determine systemic causes of diabetes and high blood pressure health care and complications.

Vision Statement

NoSaltBP.org envisions a world where no one suffers from undetected or untreated chronic health conditions of diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart attacks. We want a world in the 21st century where people do not experience complications due to diabetes, congestive heart failure, or strokes. The goal is to facilitate people to live longer, healthier lives.


Sharon works as a career registered nurse for 32 years specializing in cardiovascular and neurological nursing. Dedicated to education and lifelong learning, Sharon promotes positive patient outcomes through education across the lifespan in healthcare. Sharon received an associate's degree and bachelor's degree in nursing in addition to a master's degree in marriage and family therapy. She brings all of her education to work with patients who are living with chronic diseases and Core Measures such as Cerebral Vascular Accident (Stroke) Congestive Heart Failure, Diabetes, Hypertension (High Blood Pressure), Myocardial Infarction, (Heart Attack) to live healthy, longer lives. In addition, to learn more on healthy living, follow NoSaltBP on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Tick Toc @NoSaltBP.org.

This website is devoted to increase patient compliance at home and education.